Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tefilla Kavana Sources

  • או"ח סימן צח - Two kavanot: Kavana of the words, Kavana of standing in front of Hashem

  • Rav Chaim on Rambam Hilchot Tefilla

  • Nefesh Hachayim  2: 1 ridding other thoughts
  • Introduction to Olat Tamid: !'כשתבוא למעלה ותעמוד לדין, ישאלוך: הלוא כמה אלפי פעמים התפללת בחייך, אמר נא מה הפרוש של ,'משליך קרחו כפתים

1 comment:

THP 8 - The Habit itself is made up of different parts

When we speak about a habit we refer to anything which is really done without a decision . That includes two distinct stages. A first sta...