Thursday, July 12, 2018

THP 7 - The Neuroscience of Hashkafa

In addition to the linear model of neuron connections described until this point there is also a different model where there is a whole set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts. etc associated together as a set. 
In this model any of the pieces can act as a cue to set off this whole set of associated neural connections. That set forms it's own identity. The study associated with this is called cultural neuroscience. 
This is what I like to refer to as the Chabad Phenomena. A Chabad shaliach is able to find himself observing a habit and not be effected by it because his identity as a chabadnik, an identity established by his clothes and role, means that the cue which he sees is not effecting him because he is in a different situation then the one that he is watching because of his different identity. He essentially never really experiences the same cue.
A Hashkafa is a set beliefs, responses, dress, sensitivities, and behaviors. Like all habits we are capable of overcoming the natural associations, but until we do there is an intuitive and automatic correlation and pattern of associations.  

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